Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Departure Date Approaching

Well 4 days and counting. We are as ready as we can get. Thursday night or Friday morning I have to hook up the Toad (towed vehicle). Our neighbor Bonnie is going to watch the place and water the plants. Pat's friend Sharon is also going to help out and back up Bonnie. SDG&E installed a "Smart Meter" today (unrelated to the trip) but I think that means we can monitor our electricity on line now. We stopped our newspaper until July 1. Pat made our reservations in Stockton. We will drive into San Francisco from there in the toad. Then Sunday we will leave for Seattle to visit Marcia and Gloria.


  1. Aren't the "smart meters" provided so that SDGE can shut off your power if they think it's necessary? We have one too and I'm very suspicious. I'm wondering if you are on the road already. Say hi to little sweet Pammy for me. Your page is so pretty.

  2. We are looking forward to seeing you.
